Sunday, April 8, 2018

Is Super Lice Beatable?

I would like to clear some of the misunderstandings about "Super Lice" as it is gaining the people's attention nowadays.

Let's start with the origin of the term first contrary to the popular belief, Super Lice do not look different/are no bigger or stronger than lice in the past few years. However, they are resistant to the most common OTC treatments, such as Rid or Nix. The common chemicals in these pesticides are "Pyrethrins", and most of the lice are not removed by this chemical simply because they are growing resistant to this chemical and they would not flinch if you treat 100 times.

So here's what usually happens when someone finds a head lice infestation in their children's hair:

  1. They are terrified and want to get rid of the head lice NOW. 
  2. They have fear that friends, coworkers, neighbors will find out about the infestation. 
  3. They often walk to the pharmacy and purchase a box of toxic pesticide based head lice treatment. 
  4. They recognize that the bugs do not die and are treated again with the same toxic chemicals. 

After treating your child many times with the less effective OTC chemicals, you are surprised to see that the lice still exists. What's next?

Then you order a solution! As one of the quickest head lice solution suppliers we would be happy to help you!

I do not care about people needing a more expensive "lice pro" or "lice nanny" to get rid of head lice (do not do it, you can do it yourself with the right process). Most people will not want to be seen walking into a local lice center or lice nanny due to embarrassment and humiliation? However, I'm confident your chances of eliminating it with the most popular OTC products (Rid or Nix) are VERY slim at best. Why would you want to expose your child to the chemicals anyway when you don't need to?

For instance, people spend hours combing with the small plastic combs sold at the drugstore and included with OTC head lice treatment kits, trying to re-treat with Rid or Nix, then giving up and then ordering a solution. We supply only the best stainless steel nit combs. Order a solution from the beginning and do it yourself and you will be happy to see the results.

Yes, Super Lice is beatable!

DIY Lice Kit Team

P.S. Check out our recent blog posts for the latest lice information or visit our website at